If you’re in the RV Park industry, chances are you’ve seen lots of changes lately as more and more people are choosing to live a nomadic lifestyle. If you’re looking to expand your business, now is the time—the RV park industry is booming! Here’s why…
How Much Money Can You Earn
RV parks are a great business to get into, but you need to know what you’re getting yourself into before getting started. The average income for an owner can range anywhere from $65,000-$85,000 per year in gross revenue. Keep in mind that this is only on the front-end. All other expenses will have to be accounted for as well (a major one being insurance). But the industry is booming with the number of people who use RVs to travel increasing by 2% annually.
How Easy is It to Get Started?
There are multiple ways to get started in the RV park industry. One option is to buy an existing park, which comes with its own set of challenges. For example, if you buy a park that was previously in bankruptcy, there will be many legal hurdles to overcome before you can reopen for business. You’ll also need plenty of capital because parks that are up for sale are often on the high end of the spectrum from both a price and size standpoint.
If you don’t have the funds available or credit needed to purchase an established park outright, there are other routes to consider. For example, many people start by purchasing a trailer home at a mobile home community and renting out spaces at their site for long-term guests or short-term visitors.
What Types of Opportunities Are Available?
In recent years, there has been a surge in the number of people who want to travel the country while still having a place to stay. As a result, many new parks have popped up all over the country.
RV parks can be found in every state, but they are most commonly found in more rural areas where there is little competition for property. There are plenty of opportunities available for those who would like to purchase their own property or rent land from someone else. It’s also possible to start an RV park franchise with some of these companies that provide everything you need to get started including marketing materials, insurance, website templates and more.
Who Benefits Most From Becoming an Owner Operator?
Becoming an owner operator can be a great way to make money while still maintaining the flexibility of being your own boss. It’s a perfect opportunity for people who want to run their own business but don’t have the time or desire to do so full-time. Owner operators are typically more experienced drivers, as they need a commercial driver’s license to operate large trucks and pull trailers in excess of 10,000 pounds
This type of operator is also responsible for hiring employees when necessary, as well as managing all aspects of the business such as customer service and marketing. They are self-employed entrepreneurs who maintain their own schedules, set their own prices, decide where they want to go and how long they stay in one place.
What Kind of Businesses Do you Run in an RV park?
RV parks are often the perfect place to stay if you’re in a pinch. Many have amenities that cater to different travel needs, such as laundry facilities or pet-friendly policies. But some don’t offer much beyond parking your rig for the night. In those cases, it’s important to know what kind of business is next door so you can plan accordingly. We’ve put together a list of common businesses in RV parks to help steer travelers in the right direction:
– Gas stations Offering fuel, food and general supplies these operations tend to be high-traffic areas within an RV park. Whether you’re heading out on a road trip or staying in town overnight, having one close by is always helpful.
– Convenience stores: If you need anything from ice cream to wine at 11 p.m., convenience stores are typically open late and have a wider variety than gas station minimarts. They also sell basics like milk, eggs and produce—perfect for stocking up on food before hitting the road again!
– Laundromats: For travelers who want something clean other than their clothes, laundry services are available at many RV parks across the country.
Should I Start my Own Business or Buy into a Franchise?
It’s a lot of hard work to start your own business, but it can be worth it in the end. I know that if you have an idea for an industry, you have the passion and drive to make it happen. It’s not always easy though. You will need to spend a lot of time researching your market, coming up with a good business plan, finding investors or funding opportunities, getting permits and licenses, building relationships with suppliers and customers—the list goes on.
Luckily this is something that can be done in your spare time while still maintaining your day job. The key is to do what you can when you can without putting too much pressure on yourself so that you don’t get overwhelmed before even starting out!
Am I Going to Need to Work on Weekends or Holidays?
Working weekends or holidays can be a necessary sacrifice in order to have the opportunity to grow your company, but it is not for everyone. For example, if you are the owner of a residential construction company, then working on weekends or holidays will be an expected part of your job.
However, if you work for a coffee shop, there is no reason why you cannot close up shop for one day every weekend and spend some time with family instead. It is important that you consider what type of business you want to run before deciding whether or not it is worth sacrificing weekends and holidays so that your company can thrive.
How Much Time Do I Need to Put In?
If you love the outdoors, enjoy working with people and have a passion for business management, then you’re perfect for this job. You don’t need a college degree or any experience to get started, but it will take time to develop your skills in these areas. Since there are no set hours of operation, the amount of time you put in varies. However, on average, most managers work around 50-60 hours per week.
RV parks are booming because more people want to travel the country. We are seeing an increase in the number of families that are choosing to live on the road while they travel. This is also a great option for retirees looking to keep up with their active lifestyle or those who have finally found themselves in a position where they can work from anywhere. The average age of an RV traveler is 55 years old, but there has been a slow-down among this demographic as millennials take up more of the market share. When it comes to first-time RV owners, about 50% are millennials.